Bullet and Barbell Strategies
Bullet Strategy
maturities concentrated around one point on
the yield curve
Barbell Strategy
maturities of securities are concentrated
at two extreme maturities
Ladder Strategy
Equal amounts of securities at each
Because you don’t want CDs to all mature at
the same year
roll it over.
Dollar duration for barbell portfolio
How do different bond portfolios perform
when interest rates change?
Depends on how much rates change and how
the yield curve shifts.
What happens to the relative performance
between the bullet and barbell strategies when the rates change
Parallel shift in the yield curve
yield changes
yield curve flattens
For a parallel shift in the yield curve,
bullet portfolio outperforms the barbell portfolio when yield on C falls by
less than 100 bases points or rises by less than 125 basis points.
For the nonparallel flattening of the yield
curve, the barbell outperforms the bullet for any yield change.
Unless the interest rates change a lot, you
don’t benefit from that convexity.
For a nonparallel steepening of the yield
curve the bullet portfolio outperforms the barbell as long as the yield on C doesn’t
rise by more than 250 basis points or fall by more than 325 basis points.
Key Point - duration and convexity tells us
little about performance over some investment horizon.
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